Shanghai & Amsterdam
Merijn Kavelaars began his journey as an artist from a very young age. As a child, he doodled, drew and created images which became a naive pictorial language of communication. Growing up his father performed as a clown, Kavelaars transformed his doodles and drawings into illustrative posters for his fathers’ shows. Kavelaars work has become a refined visual language. He describes his intention as “creating a world I can get lost in.” He wants “to be able to look at it endlessly, discover new meaning, fantasize and reflect on it.” Kavelaars aims to create works where the meaning is endless and with each viewing, a new meaning is discovered, the art speaks for itself. He creates works that merge site-specific installation, painting and sculpture.
Kavelaars has developed a distinctive style which is defined by experimentation with line, bursts of vibrant colors and organic shapes. The aesthetic is formed by Kavelaars unique ability to subconsciously apply an intuitive self-taught practice to arrange shapes and color, which combined, creates a visual sense of movement and diversity. Kavelaars uses colors that illuminate off the canvas and lines that encourage the audience to interact with the energetic and playful subject matter.
1985 in The Netherlands
Untitled, Vista+ Gallery, Tehran, Iran
No Good Can Come From This, No Mans Art Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
No Gloves, Shanghai, China
Sous 623, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Opening Gallery Kavelaars, Magna Plaza, Netherlands
Vitrine Vijzelstraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanderings of the mind, Ron Lang Art, Amsterdam
Edge Water, LLND Studio, Shanghai
Shanghai Dream, ART LABOR Gallery, Shanghai
Live paint performance, Dutch Consulate, Shanghai
Gallery/Studio Kavelaars, Amsterdam Central Station, Amsterdam
Three Knee Deep, No Mans Art Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Leslie Cheung, The heART Center, Paris
No Mans Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
The drawing hand, Magda Danysz Gallery, Shanghai
live paint performance for Dutch consulate, Shanghai
Kong Siwenli, Fireflies Gathering, Shanghai
No Mans Art Gallery, Cape town, South Africa
Wanderlust, Shanghai
Begin from chaos, Inna Contemporary Art Space, Hangzhou
Rauwer, Hutspot Gallery, Amsterdam
Nuit Blanche (Live paint performance), Amsterdam
Auction for Soong Ching Ling Foundation Charity Event, Shanghai
Grote 8 meets van Gogh, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Kyra & Merijn, NMAG & Secret 7 Gallery, Shanghai
No Mans Art Gallery, Shanghai
Auction for Soong Ching Ling foundation, Shanghai
Artistic Affairs, Walls Gallery, Amsterdam
No Mans Art Gallery, Paris
Bead the poetry (Live paint performance), Dordrechts Museum, Netherlands
Blue Jeans, Central Museum Utrecht, Netherlands
When BlueBlood meets artists , Amsterdam
Kunst-10-Daagse, Stomperoren, Netherlands
Live Paint, Dordrechts Museum, Netherlands
Hot stuff, Walls Gallery, Amsterdam
No Mans Art Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Walls Gallery at AAF (Fair), Amsterdam
No Mans Art Gallery, Amsterdam
Hutspot Gallery, Amsterdam
Vrije vogels, Amsterdam
PUP Amsterdam (Live paint performance), Netherlands
On my way, Amsterdam
Virtine de ville, Amsterdam
Museumnacht, Amsterdam Museum (Live paint performance), Amsterdam
Pejman Foundation, Iran
Stolichnaya art contest