BJ08 Instants Décisifs

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BJ08 Instants Décisifs

mai 16, 2009 - juin 10, 2009


Début :
mai 16, 2009-8:00
Fin :
juin 10, 2009-5:00


This series has been produced from nearly 4500 photos, edited on computer almost non-stop for one year to create 12 “perfect” photos, the crowds exactly as the photographer would have wished them to be, creating the perfect “decisive instants” during a brief moment in history called the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. This series of technically accomplished artworks is both a statement of the uncontested acceptance of Photoshop into the creative vocabulary of art photography, and a subtle poke at Cartier-Bresson’s theory of the “instant décisif”, saying, very very briefly that the perfect picture could or should not be staged, amongst a whole ton of other socio-political metaphor!

Eric Leleu
Drum Tower
Eric Leleu
Eric Leleu
Eric Leleu
Pool Party
Eric Leleu
Eric Leleu
Forbidden City 1
Eric Leleu
Eric Leleu
Temple of Heaven
Eric Leleu