- Cet évènement est passé

Tales of Two Cities #3
décembre 09, 2017 - janvier 10, 2018
In 2015 IdleBeats initiated a continuing collaborative silkscreen exhibition series ’Tale of Two Cities’. Each time composes the latest works of two studio – IdleBeats and one from another city around the world. Persistence, consistency, innovation and the free expression of ones own root culture are the threads common to all.
The serial nature of the exhibitions focuses on hand print making medium and cultural exchange through the eyes and hands of particular print artists worldwide. After silk-screen pioneer French Fourch from Paris and Sticky Fingers from Cambodia, this year IdleBeats flew to Berlin to invite a talent artist duo – Palefroi, to keep writing the third chapter of this two-city tale.

The Ark

Black Mirror

Grand Shanghai Match Factory

Yin Yang No.2

House Warming

Real Big City (deluxe)

Metro Station ( 2nd edition)

II – Enter: The Ghosts

III. Deceiver’s Monolog

The Golden Teeth of Alexis Goudranov
